понедельник, 7 марта 2011 г.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Says 'Terminator 5' Offer Among 15 Films

Arnold SchwarzeneggerSince the end of his term as governor of California in January, former action hero Arnold Schwarzenegger has been open and honest about his return to Hollywood.

Just weeks after the end of his political career, 63-year-old Schwarzeneggerspoke of three scriptshe was considering, including the WWII dramaWith Wings as Eaglescentered on an experienced, highly-decorated Nazi soldier named Klaus Ostermann who becomes disillusioned with the war and opts to help a concentration camp full of POWs.

At the time, many speculated that the other two projects wereThe Expendables 2, the inevitable sequel to Sly Stallone’s macho ensemble flick, andTerminator 5. The rumor strengthened when Universalreportedlyexpressed interest in purchasing rights to the series forFast& Furiousdirector Justin Lin andFast Fivescreenwriter Chris Morgan.

Naturally, Arnold’s name surfaced for a proper return to the franchise, particularly since it coincided with the former Governator’s tweet in early February,“Exciting news. My friends at CAA have been asking me for 7 years when they can take offers seriously. Gave them the green light today.”

Which brings us to this past Sunday, when Schwarzenegger took questions from the audience at The Arnold Classic, an annual bodybuilding competition. TheArnoldFansasked for clarification about his three scripts and Schwarzenegger responded candidly,“Well, first of all it’s more like 15 films, obvious ones from The Terminator to remakes of Predator and The Running Man and all of those things. Then also a lot of original stuff too. But I am also packaging a Comic Book character right now. I’m going to announce that sometime by the end of March or the beginning of April.”

We’ve heard about another Terminator movie, but a reboot ofPredator? I was under the impression the studio just tried that.  A remake ofThe Running Man? Wasn’t that titledGamer? Plus, what happened to Fox’sremake ofCommandothat had fans up in arms?

Lastly, a comic book character and Arnold seem like a natural fit. The actor left Hollywood circa 2003, just as the subgenre was returning with X-Men, Spider-Man, and Batman, so it’s no surprise he wants to get in the game while it’s still hot and, frankly, while he’s still fit enough to do so. That being said, no one has any idea what comic Schwarzenegger is eying and the possibilities are rather endless.  Let’s just hope it’s not a Mr. Freeze spin-off.


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